SSCI - What We Do (printable version)What We Do (printable version)
I. Site Assessment/Professional Services
- Asbestos Sampling and Management
- Design and Engineering of Environmental Projects and Waste Cleanups
- Design and Engineering of Underground and Aboveground Fueling Systems
- Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) – Phase I, Phase II and Phase III
- Risk-Based Facility and Oil-Field Cleanups
- Subsurface investigations, borings, monitor wells, pushprobe, soil and groundwater sampling
- Sample Plan Development and Implementation - Soil and Water
- Wetlands and Ecological Consultations
- Property Condition Assessments
II. Site Remediation/Fuel Systems
- Fuel System (AST/UST) Design, Installation, Removal, Disposal and Remediation
- Drum and Waste Handling, Characterization and Disposal
- Asbestos, Lead-based paint and Mold Remediation Project Oversight
- Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Remediation
- Pit and Sump Cleanouts and Closures
- Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and Brownfields Closures
III. Engineering and Consulting Services
- Site civil design
- Fuel system engineering design
- Stormwater drainage and detention design
- Water and wastewater utility design engineering
- Pavement grading design
- Geotechnical engineering
IV. Natural Resource Management
- Wetlands Endangered Species and Special Resources Identification, Delineation, Mitigation and Permitting
- Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) determination
- Shoreline Restoration
V. Compliance
- Aboveground and Underground (AST/UST) Fuel System Compliance Audits and Assessments
- Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Air, water and solid-waste permitting: initial, modification and renewal
- Audits and accident investigations
- Stormwater, spill response plans, EPCRA reporting, NPDES/TPDES reporting
VI. Technical Support
- Expert witness, Litigation support and environmental forensics
- Fuel system Texas Commission on Environmental (TCEQ) and Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) compliance and inventory management
- Stormwater, spill response, spill containment
- QA/QC and Health and Safety Plans (HASP) and monitoring
- Surveying, drafting and technical writing
- Technical training and general consulting
VII. Professional Training
- Certified OSHA, EPA and DOT technical training
- Certified TCEQ UST installation and removal training
Contact SSCI Environmental today!