BACREN Presentation: Mitigating Wetlands - SSCI Environmental
SSCI-Environmental is pleased to have had the opportunity to speak at the Bay Area Commercial Real Estate Network (BACREN) Monthly Luncheon on February 20, 2020. BACREN is a non-profit professional organization formed to serve Commercial Real Estate practitioners, associated businesses, investors, and the public in the Houston Bay Area, including but not limited to Harris, Galveston, and Brazoria Counties, Texas. SSCI-Environmental has been a long time sponsor and supporter of BACREN. SSCI’s Vice President, Jo Drake Keim, and Natural Resource Specialist, Allyson Graziano, presented the ins and outs of wetland mitigation for the real estate market. The audience of real estate specialists and service contractors were intrigued and found the presentation to be informative and enlightening. May attendees had questions regarding their specific projects and how wetland regulations affect development of their properties.
Wetlands are protected under the Clean Water Act and development of properties containing Wetlands or Waters of the United States (WOTUS) are regulated by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). SSCI provided an overview of how wetlands are identified and what tools are used in evaluating wetlands for real estate developers. Delineations, permitting, agency coordination, and mitigation was discussed. A link to the BACREN presentation is provided below: