SW846 Method 5035A - MADATORY AS OF 2016! - SSCI Environmental

Detention & Retention PondsAs of January 1, 2016, the use of the USEPA SW846 Method 5035A – which is a purge-and-trap technology – has been deemed mandatory by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) Remediation Division for sampling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil and waste samples.  After December 31, 2015, the TCEQ Remediation Division will not accept VOC data reported for solid samples that have been collected and prepared using other methods if the data is intended to demonstrate compliance with the rules in 30 Texas Administrative Code Chapters 334, 335, or 350.  The intent of collecting soild/soil samples via a closed-system is to reduce the amount of disturbance when collecting the samples for the analysis of VOCs, BTEX, and MTBE.  By reducing the amount of disturbance to the sample, volatilization from the sample is reduced, and as a result, the compounds of interest are better preserved for analyses.

Along with the switch in sampling methodology comes field and analytical challenges.  Field challenges that may be encountered could be:  difficult matrices such as rocks, sand, and sludge; an increase in containers now required means an increase in field time and coolers needed; and samples must be shipped on a daily basis to the laboratory.  Analytical challenges that may be encountered could be:  concentrations falling between the low- and high-level analysis, possibly resulting in “E” or “J” values; future reported sample concentrations for any given sample collected at the Site could be higher than those observed historically due to the fact that 5035A minimizes the loss of compounds of interest from the solid sample; and aliquot inconsistencies which can lead to varying results.

Terra Core® Sampling Kit with T-shaped Core Sampler

How can SSCI help you?  SSCI has over 30 years experience in soil sampling and has been utilizing these methods for various sampling events.  SSCI’s technical staff has been well trained in performing soil sampling following SW846 Method 5034A.  SSCI is eager to assist you with your next sampling event; call or e-mail us for more information.

Click on the links below for additional guidance with SW846 Method 5035A.