Texas Watershed Steward Program - SSCI Environmental
All water bodies within a watershed in Texas are threatened by many types of non-point sources (NPS) of pollution which can detrimentally affect the state’s valuable water resources. In order to recognize, control and prevent these sources of pollution, the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) have partnered up to initiate the Texas Watershed Steward (TWS) program.
The TWS program provides a science-based, watershed education to help citizens identify and take action to address local water quality impairments. Watershed stewardship means caring for the water, air, and biodiversity in the entire watershed. The TWS goals include:
- Increasing citizen awareness and knowledge of water issues.
- Protecting and improving local water resources.
- Empowering individuals to take leadership roles involving community water issues.
- Increasing stakeholder involvement in the Watershed Protection Plan (WPP) and/or the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development processes by educating and organizing local citizens.
Anyone with a willingness to learn and a desire to improve and protect the community’s water resources can become a Texas Watershed Steward. To learn more about this program and become Texas Watershed Stewards, visit the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension website at http://tws.tamu.edu/.